Kukjin Chun
IEEE Region 10 Director
On behalf of Region 10, I would like to congratulate successful IEEE TENCON 2018 in Jeju island, Korea. TENCON is a flagship conference of IEEE Region 10 (Asia-Pacific) which has established and continues very good tradition of good quality paper presentations in electrical and electronics area.
The theme for TENCON 2018 is “Intelligence Outbreak” and will have six excellent plenary speakers including IEEE President, Jim Jefferies and President and VPs of Samsung, SK Hynix, SK Telecom of Korea, NTT of Japan and SGCC of China. The parallel sessions on industrial, standard, WIE, YP, Student, Membership Development and Life member are held together during the conference to provide an opportunity for attendees not only in technology but also in IEEE activities.
Region 10 is seeing steady growth in membership to 126,082 in 2017 in 36 countries. 58 Sections and 6 Councils in 23 countries are striving for great activities in the Region with 1,400 Student Branches and 600 Chapters. IEEE core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence and I wish this conference to carry forward IEEE’s long-standing tradition of commitment to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.
I would like to thank all the committee members who prepared for this big event, especially Jong Chang Yi, Changhyun Kim, Cheon Won Choi, Chaewoo Lee, Kyusik Hong, Hong Il Yoon, Dongmyung Lee, Kyung Youn Kim, Younjun Park, Inkyu Lee, Jinyoung Whang, JeongYon Shim, Albert No, Soyoung Kim, Hyuk-jae Lee, Dae Kwon Jung, Sung Loh Yoon and Hyeong Ho Lee for their great effort. Special thanks also go to all the Sponsors and Seoul Section as well as five IEEE sections in Korea.
I congratulate again for very successful TENCON 2018 and thank you very much.