Professional Sessions

Monday, 29 October 10:30~12:00  | TAM: Tamna
MON-TAM-I [Industrial I]
Future Memory Technology Trend
Presider: Kyushik Hong (Professor, Seoul National University, Korea)
Time Program
ICT Trend and Memory / Storage Architecture
Eui-cheol Lim
(Ph.D., Research Fellow, Memory System R&D, SK hynix, Korea)

Dr. Lim is a Research Fellow and leader of system architecture team in memory system R&D, SK Hynix. He received the B.S. degree and the M.S. degree from Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, in 1993 and 1995, and the Ph.D. degree from Sungkyunkwan University, suwon, Korea in 2006. Dr.Lim joined SK Hynix in 2016 as a system architect in memory system R&D. Before joining SK Hynix, he had been working as an SoC architect in Samsung Electronics and involved in the most Exynos mobile SOC’s architecture design. His recent interesting points are memory and storage system architecture with new media memory and memory system architecture for machine learning.


Recently, tons of emerging services based on AI & big data technologies are sprang up. And they are changing all the landscape of ICT business. ICT key players such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon are steering toward to hyperscale cloud datacenter to provide those emerging services. These new technologies and services are inducing the changes and enhancements of edge computing architecture as well as datacenter. Specifically, edge computing will evolve toward to more energy efficient architecture while datacenter needs more computing performance and more cost effective cloud architecture. Now is the time to prepare the change in the memory & storage architecture to meet the memory requirement from computing architecture evolvement. This talk proposes new memory & storage solutions which are needed to fill the gap from current architecture.

Values, Challenges, and Opportunities in Future DRAM
Hak-soo Yu
(Ph.D., Principal Engineer, DRAM Design Team, Samsung Electronics, Korea)

Hak-soo Yu received the B.S. and M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, in 1990 and 1992 respectively, and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the University of Texas at Austin in 2004. In 1992, he joined Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.,Gyeonggi-do, Korea, where he has been involved in device and circuit design for the high-speed dynamic RAMs such as DRAM, SRAM, Cached DRAM and LPDDR. From 2009, he has been researched and developed future memory solutions including DRAM managing solution, Processing in Memory, and processing IPs in HBM.


For the past 50 years, the DRAM industry has overcome many technological and business challenges and become one of the most critical and valuable components driving the today's computing industry. In this talk, I will briefly overview the past DRAM technology developments from a value perspective, and discuss the challenges and opportunities in emerging hardware and software that will greatly benefit from future DRAM.

Monday, October 29 13:30~15:00   |   TAM: Tamna
MON-TAM-II [MD-LM] Membership Development & Life Member Session
Presider: Kyun Hyon Tchah (Professor, IEEE Life Member, Korea)
Time Program
How Can IEEE Add Value to the Millennials in Industry 4.0
Ewell Tan
(Project Manager, Singapore Operations IEEE, Singapore)

With a Master Degree Graduated from the University of Hertfordshire in United Kingdom, Ewell has the professional experience working in United Kingdom, Malaysia and Singapore. Specialimultinational ze in International Business and Finance as a major study, Ewell enjoys working in a and customer-focused environment. Having a diverse working experience in retail, wholesale, international exhibition and finance sector, Ewell is now a Project Manager in IEEE with a proven record of accomplishment in operational effectiveness, organizing meeting and events, coordinating various projects and managing stakeholders’ expectation in the Asia-Pacific region.

How Can IEEE Add Value to the Millennials in Industry 4.0
Michael Ong Ling Chuen
(Ph.D., Executive Committee, R10 MD CordinatorI2R, Singapore)

Dr. Michael Ong received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Birmingham, UK in 1996 on a Science and Engineering Research Council (UK) grant and an Institute of Electrical Engineers postgraduate scholarship.

From 1992 to 1994, he was a Research Associate with the University of Birmingham. From 1996 to 1999, he was with Singapore Telecom as a network planner and project manager for Singapore’s first digital trunked radio system. Currently, he is a Senior Scientist with the Smart Nation Programme at the Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR. His research interests include radio-over-fiber, ultra-wideband and millimeter-wave technologies. He was an Adjunct Associate Professor with the National University of Singapore.

He is currently IEEE R10 Membership Development Committee Chair. He served as a TPC Chair for IEEE TENCON 2016, and many positions in IEEE R10 Executive Committee and IEEE Singapore Section.

Volunteering - How to Get Involved and Serve in the Local EEE Community
Takako Hashimoto
(Vice President of Chiba University of Commerce IEEE MD, Japan)

Takako Hashimoto graduated from the Ochanomizu University, and received a Ph.D. in computer science, specialization in multimedia information processing, from the Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering of University of Tsukuba in 2005. She worked at the software R&D center of Ricoh Co. Ltd., in Japan for 24 years, and participated in the development of many software products as a technical leader. She has a rich project management experience including international collaborative research handling as well. From April of 2009, she was involved in Chiba University of Commerce as Associate Professor. In 2015, she has become Professor of Chiba University of Commerce. In 2015, she stayed at University of California, Los Angeles as a visiting researcher. She has become Director of Institute of Economic Research, Chiba University of Commerce in 2016 and the Vice President of Chiba University of Commerce in 2018. She has served as an Associate Editor of Journal of IEICE Data Engineering and Information Management and IPSJ Transactions On Databases (TOD). She is an Board Member of the Database Society of Japan and IEEE Japan Council. Currently, she has focused on the data mining research and the social media analysis, especially topic extraction from millions of tweets related to the East Japan Great Earthquake. She is developing the high performance feature selection technique for big data. She’s also conducting global researches for developing the social media analysis platform in multi-language/cultural environment.

What is IEEE Life Member and How can Life Member Play a Role?
Tomonori Aoyama
(Emeritus Professor, University of Tokyo, Japan)

Tomonori Aoyama received the B.E., M.E. and Dr. Eng. from the University of Tokyo, Japan。 Since he joined NTT in 1969, he has been engaged in research and development on communication networks and systems in the Electrical Communication Laboratories. From 1973 to 1974, he stayed in MIT as a visiting scientist. In 1995 he was appointed to be Director of the NTT Optical Network Systems Laboratories. In 1997, he left NTT, and joined the University of Tokyo as a professor and in April 2006, he moved to Keio University as a processor, and then retired in 2017. He is now Emeritus Professor, The University of Tokyo.

Dr. Aoyama served as a member of the Science Council of Japan for 6 years. He is IEEE Life Fellow and served as IEEE Tokyo Section Chair, and Japan Council Chair, then currently R10 Life Member Coordinator. He also served as President of IEICE (Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers) in 2009 and is now IEICE Fellow. He had served as President of NPO, Digital Cinema Consortium of Japan (DCCJ) from 2001 to 2016, and currently President of NPO Broadband Association. He received several awards from Japanese Ministries, some Japanese public organizations, IEICE and IEEE.

The Design of Assistive Technology for Elderly Care
Nia Kurnianingsih
(Ph.D., Politeknik Negeri Semarang IEEE R10 ECIM, Indonesia)

Kurnianingsih received a Doctor in 2018 from the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Kurnianingsih received a B.Eng from the Informatics Engineering Department at Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Telkom, Bandung and a M.Eng from the Electrical Engineering Department at North Sumatera University. Her current research focuses on machine learning and computational intelligence in the health context.

In 2003, Dr. Kurnianingsih started working as a lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia. Prior to joining Politeknik Negeri Semarang, she was with Information Technology (IT) Consultant, IKIN as a Manager.

Dr. Kurnianingsih has published 5 papers in International Journals and 10 papers in IEEE International Conferences published by IEEE Xplore. She currently serves as Associate Editor for the International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics and Associate Editor for the Jurnal INFOTEL.

In 2015, Dr. Kurnianingsih received grants from the Indonesian Ministry of Education Directorate General of Higher Education to have an opportunity to join research collaboration (called sandwich-like program) at Umeå Universitet, in Umeå, Sweden for several months. This program was intended to enhance the quality of the research project through exchange of experience and information between the multidisciplinary supervisors and scientists.

Tuesday, 30 October 10:15~11:45  | TAM: Tamna
TUE-TAM-I [Industrial II]
How Will Industry 4.0 Reshape the Future of Personal Mobility?
Presider: Kyushik Hong (Professor, Seoul National University, Korea)
Time Program
Industry Trends to Autonomous Driving and Connected Car
Kidong Lee
(Vice President, VC Smart Research Div., LG Electronics, Korea)
NVIDIA Autonomous Driving Solution Based on Deep Learning
Marcus Oh
(Sr. Solution Architect, NVIDIA, Korea)
Tuesday, October 30 10:15~11:45   |   HAL: Halla
TUE-HAL-I Standardization Session
(Organized by Korea IEEE 802 Forum)
Presider: Hyeong Ho Lee (Professor, Korea University, Korea)
Time Program
Wireless Communications for Low Power Wide Area Network based on IEEE 802.15.4 Standards
Sangsung Choi (Professor, Woosung University, Korea)
IEEE 802 Optical Wireless Communications
Jaesang Cha (Professor, SNUST, Korea)
IEEE Standardization Activities for VR & AR Services
Minseok Oh (Professor, Kyonggi University, Korea)
Tuesday, October 30 13:15~14:45   |   TAM: Tamna
TUE-TAM-II IEEE Young Professionals
Presider: Albert No (Professor Hongik University, Korea)
Time Program
Let’s make a better YP (Panel Discussion)

Nivas Ravichandran (R10 YP Coordinator, Freshworks, India)

Hussain Mahdi (South East Asia YP Coordinator, National University of Malaysia, Malaysia)

Jaeryoung Lee (Professor, Chubu University, Korea)

Mayumi Suzuki (Tokyo YP Coordinator, Hitachi, Japan)

Tuesday, October 30 15:00~17:10   |   TAM: Tamna
TUE-TAM-III IEEE Women in Engineering(WIE) Special Session:
TENCON2018 Professional Program
Organizer: JeongYon Shim (Professor, Kangnam University, Korea, IEEE Seoul Section WIE Coordinator)
Time Program
Women in Engineering(WIE) Session I    (Technical Theme & Introduction of IEEE WIE)
: Recent Emerging Issues of High Technical Research in the Field of Science and
  Engineering and Introduction of IEEE WIE
Invited Speakers:
Welcoming Address
Kukjin Chun (Professor, Seoul National University, Korea, IEEE R10 Director)
Electromagnetic Compatibility of Integrated Circuits
SoYoung Kim (Professor, Sungkyunkwan University Korea)
Time Series Topic Transition Analysis Using Micro-Clusters
Takako Hashimoto (Professor, Chiba University of Commerce, Japan)
Forensics and Biometric Using Artificial Intelligence and a Brief Introduction of IEEE WIE
Jing Dong (Professor, CASIA, China, IEEE R10 WIE Coordinator)
Coffee Break
Women in Engineering(WIE) Session II    (Panel Discussion, Informative Q&A and Networking)
: Women Engineers’ Activities and Successful Life

- Panel Discussion, Informative Q&A and Networking

- Panelists

  • Jing Dong (Professor, CASIA, China, IEEE R10 WIE Coordinator)
  • SoYoung Kim (Professor, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
  • Sang Mi Lee (Ph.D., IITP, Korea)
  • Basabi Chakraborty (Professor, Iwate Prefectural University, Japan)
  • Celia Shahnaz (Professor, BUET, Bangladesh)

- Theme of Discussion:

  • How to Encourage Young Women to Choose Science and Engineering as a Career
  • How to Improve the Profession and Cooperate with Men in the Male Dominated Engineering Profession
  • How to Combine a Career with Personal Life
  • How to Overcome Barriers for the Advancement of Women and etc.

※ Light refreshments (Tea and Cakes) will be served during the WIE session. 

Tuesday, October 30 15:00~17:20   |   ORA: Ora
TUE-ORA-III Humanitarian Technologies Workshop I : Tutorial
Presider: Suzana Brown (Professor, SUNY, Korea)
[Humanitarian Technology Workshop: Engineering for Global Development]
  • Introduction of Proven Humanitarian Activities
  • Articulation of HT Problem Statements for Sustainable Development Goals
  • Hands-on Humanitarian Technology Workshop
  • Special Technical Sessions on HT
Time Program
Engineering for Global Development
Parkash Lohana (Professor, University Institute of Technology Kaachi, Pakistan)
Humanitarian Activities in Hongik University Student Branch
Jong Hyuk Lee (Student Representative, Hongik University, Korea)
Wednesday, October 31 10:15~11:45   |   TAM: Tamna
WED-TAM-I [Invited] Contemporary and Future Technology
Presider: Chang Seung Jung (Chair, IEEE CS Chapter, Professor, Korea University, Korea)
Time Program
A Survey on Lightweight Cryptographic Algorithms
Babak D. Beheshti
(Professor, Region 1 Director, IEEE, USA)

Babak D. Beheshti is professor and Interim Dean of School of Engineering and Computing Sciences at New York Institute of Technology (NYIT). School of Engineering and Computing Sciences has approximately 3000 students, pursuing undergraduate and graduate programs in two New York based campuses, as well as in Vancouver, BC. Babak has been a full time faculty member at NYIT for over 30 years.

He has over 20 years of experience in R&D for embedded systems and wireless technology industry, where he has successfully managed joint R&D programs with Asian, European, and U.S. companies including Siemens Mobile, Nokia, Samsung, KDDI, and LG.

Babak has been an active member of IEEE since 1991. He is currently Director, and member of Board of Directors of the IEEE Babak has held positions.

A 7-level Smart Home System for the XY Generation
Mohamed Rawidean Mohd Kassim
(DVP Speaker, IEEE Computer Society,
Professor, R10 Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation, Malaysia)

Mohamed Rawidean Mohd Kassim has worked for 30 years in MIMOS (Malaysian Institute of Microelectronic Systems), the Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change Malaysia. MIMOS is the government applied and industrial R&D arm in IT and Microelectronics. He joined MIMOS as a Research Fellow and now is the R&D Manager in the Technology Deployment department. His research interest area are Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Internet of Things (IoT), Real-Time Systems and Multimedia. He has participated in more than 30 national and international R&D projects as a team member, or leader on technical and management positions.

Mohamed Rawidean is an IEEE Senior Member. He was the IEEE Computer Society Malaysia Chapter Chair from 2002 to 2013. As a lecturer, he has given computer science courses for undergraduate and graduate students. He has written conference papers, one book chapter (‘Sensors for Everyday Life’, Springer Pub., 2017) and technical reports. He is also a member of the Industry Advisory Panel (IAP) for Monash University Malaysia and Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL).

Mohamed Rawidean has organized many IEEE national and international conferences, seminars and workshops. He is the Founding Chairman for IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS), Program Chair and Technical Program Chair for several IEEE conferences. He has provided many keynotes, invited industrial talks and workshops in WSN, Intelligent Real-Time Systems and IoT. He has eight patents registered under his name, mostly in wireless sensors, networks and sensor applications. He obtained his Six Sigma Black Belt in 2009 from Motorola University.

Future Technology: Criteria and Developments
Maike Luiken
(Ph.D., Region 7 Director, IEEE, Canada)

Maike Luiken is the founding director of the Bluewater Technology Access Centre following eight years as Dean with various portfolios at Lambton College attar cting over 10 million CAD public research funding. Prior, she was Vice-President Research Alliances, National Capital Institute of Telecommunications, Ottawa.

Maike has over 30 years of professional experience in teaching, research and educational administration, leadership and community building; especially in linking industry partners, government agencies and researchers in advanced technology initiatives. Her areas of interest and expertise span diverse technical areas from energy and water to advanced manufacturing and nanotechnology with particular interest in how progress in ITC enables advances in other disciplines.

Maike, Staatsexamen (Mathmatics/Physics ‘79), Ph.D. (Physics ‘82), has work experience in the public and private sectors in Canada, USA and Germany.

Maike has extensive board director experience: Nano Ontario, IEEE Canada, IEEE Canadian Foundation, Sarnia/Lambton Chamber of Commerce, Sarnia/Lambton Workforce Development Board; Unmanned Systems Canada. Her involvement with IEEE includes the Student Branch of Algonquin College as Counselor and Mentor, the London Section a Chair and Ottawa Section as Treasurer and Chair. Regionally, Maike has been involved with multiple committees and publications. She has also serve on MGA Strategic Management and Analysis Committee, MGA (RAB) Student Activities Committee and the IEEE President’s Sustainability Initiative.

Maike was awarded the MGA Achievement Award in 2013; as well as earning the M.B. Broughton Central Canada Merit Award in 2011.

Wednesday, October 31 12:00~14:00   |   Lobby (8F)
WED-LOB-II [Student Branch] Networking Lunch & IEEE TENCON Presentation
Organizers: SoYoung Kim (Professor, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea)
Mughal Hassam (Graduate Student, Hankook University of Foreign Studies, Korea)
Jong Hyuk Lee (Undergraduate Student, Hongik University, Korea)
Time Program
Welcome Remarks
Jim Jefferies (IEEE President & CEO,USA)
Best Practices in Running Student Branches
Rajesh Ingle
(Coordinator , Region 10 Student Activities, Professor, Pune Institute of Computer Technology, Pune, India)
Report of SYWL 2018
Jong Hyuk Lee (Student Representative, Hong Ik University, Korea)
What Qualifications Industry Expects from College Graduates
Changhyun Kim (Professor, POSTECH, Korea, Previously VP of Samsung Electronics, Korea)
Networking and Fun Event
Wednesday, October 31 15:00~17:00   |   ARA: Ara
WED-ARA-III Humanitarian Technologies Workshop II : Interactive Project Design
Presider: Yasuhiro Soshino (Director, Red Cross Kumamoto Hospital, Japan)
Time Program
Employing Humanitarian Technologies for Sustainable Development
Shaikh Fattah (Professor, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh)